Council members seated in boards, subcommittees for year


At the City Council meeting on the evening of Monday, January 27, Action Item 1 (A1) called for the, “Adoption of Resolutions and/or Motions Appointing City Council Members/Staff Members to Various Outside Agency Boards, City Council Subcommittees and Other Related Bodies.”

The non-city bodies were allocated first, and there are three which traditionally fall on the sitting mayor. That was the case this year, with Mayor Dan O’Brien the delegate for the Los Angeles City Selection Committee, the LA County Sanitation Dist. No.5 Board of Directors, and the SCAG Southern California Association of Governments, all with Vice Mayor Freddy Puza the alternate.

O’Brien is also the delegate for the LA County Division of the League of Calif. Cities (Council Member Albert Vera as alternate). Vera is the delegate for the Independent Cities Association, with O’Brien as alternate. Council Member Yasmine-Imani McMorrin is the delegate for the Westside Cities Council of Governments (O’Brien as alternate) and the Clean Power Alliance (Council Member Bubba Fish as alternate). Puza is the delegate for the LAX Noise Roundtable (O’Brien as alternate).

On to City Subcommittees, and for the Joint Finance & Judiciary Subcommittee and related, McMorrin is the delegate with Fish as the alternate. McMorrin is also the delegate for the CCUSD/City Council Liaison Subcommittee (O’Brien as alternate), the Standing Sustainability Subcommittee, and the Ad Hoc Equity Subcommittee (Puza as alternate).

O’Brien is the delegate for the Ad Hoc Short Term Rental Policy Subcommittee (Fish as alternate), the Ad Hoc Minimum Wage Subcommittee, and the Olympics Preparations Sub committee (Puza as alternate), among others. 

No bodies created included the Housing and Homelessness Council Subcommittee, which was originally intended to be ad hoc but was felt necessary to be standing by the majority due to the severity of the housing crisis. Fish is the delegate with McMorrin the alternate.

Finally, the newly created Standing Governance Subcommittee will also see Fish the delegate, with McMorrin the alternate.