Council lends its support to parks initiative


The Culver City Council voted unanimously to back countywide ballot initiative Proposition P, which would extend a previous parks tax measure by raising $54 million during 30 years through a parcel tax of $23 a year. The funding can only be used for parks, recreation and open space projects.

City officials have used Culver City’s parks as one of its civic benefits and for years they have been viewed as city assets. In recent years, they have seen some deterioration, as have many recreational facilities throughout Los Angeles.

Patrick Reynolds, the parks manager with the Culver City Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department said there are a few areas that he considers to be high-priority, where the county funds could be applied if the measure is approved.

“A complete upgrade of the remaining playgrounds on our capital improvement projects goals list that we currently have no funding to do, and adding synthetic turf on our most heavily used multi-purpose fields would a great benefit to the city in light of the heavy demand for soccer, little league, flag football and softball leagues on a limited number of fields, as well as given the current drought situation, we ideally would like to get away from watering turf altogether,” Reynolds said. “We are also looking to refurbish the wooden boardwalk ‘nature trail’ in Culver City Park, which is currently an unfunded project that now connects to the Park to Playa Trail system with the state and Los Angeles County Parks Departments.”

Also known as the Safe Neighborhood Parks Measure, Prop. P funds can also be spent on clean water projects.

“If you like the parks and want to keep them active, we urge you to vote yes on Proposition P,” said Councilman Jim Clarke.