Council candidates to face off March 8 at kids forum


For nearly 25 years, television personality Art Linkletter hosted a show where he interviewed children and shared their often-surprising responses. Well, kids ask the darndest things, too. There’s a freedom from adult conventions that enables children to pose uniquely probing questions that can unsettle even professional politicians. Disney Channel star Joshua Rush and Celebrity DJ Young 1 will co-moderate the forum.

Culver City kids will have that opportunity when they face the four candidates who are running for city council at the ‘Ask 2 Know Kids Forum’ at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, March 8 in the West Los Angeles College’s Fine Arts Theatre, 9000 Overland Ave., Culver City. Doors open at 6 p.m.

The Council candidates for the April 10 Culver City General Municipal Election are Alex Fisch, Daniel Lee, Marcus Tiggs, and Albert Vera Jr.

Disney Channel star Joshua Rush and Celebrity DJ Young 1 will co-moderate the forum.

Only students will be allowed to ask questions – some will be written beforehand in their classes and other questions will be put directly to the candidates live at the forum.

Students can also submit questions ahead of time to ‘Ask 2 Know’ producer Michelle Mayans via Mayans provides a sneak peek of some questions that have already been submitted:  “Do you support Culver City students participating in the national school walk-out on March 14?” or “What is your opinion on allowing the NRA to have a booth at Fiesta La Ballona?” “Do you support Culver City students taking a knee rather than standing for the national anthem?” “Do you speak any other languages?”

All Culver City students are invited to attend. There is no RSVP or ticket purchase required – the audience will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Free La Rocco’s pizza will be served, combined with light snacks from Kay n’ Dave’s Mexican restaurant and Culver City’s new Co-Opportunity grocery store. Gift cards for free Coolhaus ice cream sandwiches will be distributed to first 300 kids in attendance.

‘Ask 2 Know’ is the brainchild of event producer Michelle Mayans, who came up with the idea after attending School Board candidate forums that she felt were neglecting the very people most affected by the School Board election – the students. Mayans held the first ‘Ask 2 Know’ during the 2011 CCUSD School Board race, and most recently for the 2015 School Board race. The past events were so popular that Mayans decided to hold the first ‘Ask 2 Know’ event with council candidates.


Mayans’ Kid Scoop Media company produces the ‘Ask 2 Know’ forums and other events that bring students together with celebrities, athletes, politicians, authors, musicians, including interviews with President Obama and Vice President Biden. These one of a kind opportunities give children exposure to enriching life experiences positive role models, and the chance to express themselves and shape their future.

Teachers or students interested in participating in an ‘Ask 2 Know’ event can email Michelle Mayans at