Council approves new regulations for skate park


New rules for the Culver City Skate Park were approved at the City Council’s July 14 meeting that will now include non-motorized scooters.

In addition, all skating activities will be prohibited when it is raining, when the skating area is wet   or when a large amount of debris has accumulated in the skate park.

“The rule changes proposed by the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission were intended to clarify areas of concern.  The debris could pose just as much a risk as being wet,” Culver City Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services Daniel Hernandez said. “Also, scooters have been very popular with the younger population and have been using the park for a while. What we did just specified that non-motorized scooters were acceptable.”

Motorized vehicles of any sort will not be permitted in the park under the new rules, according to a city staff report.

The Parks Recreation and community Services Commission had previously approved the recommendations on June 17.

The resolution sailed through unanimously near the end of another lengthy session by the council, which lasted nearly four hours.

The approximately 1,300 square feet Culver City Skate Park, at 9901 Jefferson Blvd., opened on Oct. 27, 2007.