Council approves new park plan


At the City Council meeting on the evening of Monday, February 10, the council approved Action Item 3 (A3), which called for “Adoption of a Resolution Adopting the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department’s 15-year Culver City Parks Plan.”

A staff presentation detailed the plan, which is described as “the first step in a robust public engagement strategy that will be part of all future project planning. The ideal outcomes from engagement include open networks of two-way communication and learning, meaningful feedback on planning elements, and community buy-in transforms into long-term project stewardship and success.”

The plan details the usages of the parks, and the costs. Meanwhile, it makes clear the fact that the community was involved and heard when putting the plan together.

“Thousands of residents and visitors engaged in the Parks Plan process through surveys, meetings, pop ups, online social media posts, the website, commission meetings, kids camps, and analog flyers and mailers,” it reads. “Community engagement is critical to the success of Culver City Parks, Recreation, and Community Services (PRCS) because community needs drive the plan’s direction for priorities, funding, and staffing.”

Many members of the public were on hand to commend the plan, while pushing forward their own personal priority for park use. However, City Manager John Nachbar pointed out that the city is operating under a deficit and the funds for this project need to come from an as-yet unidentified source. 

Still, Council Member Albert Vera moved to adopt the plan, and Vice Mayor Freddy Puza seconded it, and the motion passed unanimously.

The full plan can be viewed here: