Cougar cruises Culver City


A mountain lion was spotted on a hillside near Botts Field in Culver City, home of Culver City Little League, and is believed to be on the loose, according to Little League officials.

The Animal Services Office was notified. Extreme caution was urged to hikers in the area and parents were cautioned against allowing children or pets to wander to far off.

Mountain Lions, a specially protected species, are native to the region and are most active between dusk and dawn. Adult lions are usually wary of people and try to avoid contact. According to the California Department of Fish and Game, a person is 1,000 times more likely to be struck by lightning than be attacked by a mountain lion.

The Mountain Lion Foundation offers the following guidelines in the case of encountering a mountain lion:

  • Face the lion and back away slowly, do not run
  • Stand tall, do not crouch, to do so is to resemble prey and to expose the vulnerable areas of head and neck
  • Keep children close and pick up children without bending
  • Speak slowly, firmly and loudly
  • If attacked, fight back and utilize whatever makeshift weapons are available

If you do spot a mountain lion, report the incident to the Culver City Police Department.