Copper thieves strike Culver City, streets signs stolen


A rash of thefts of public infrastructure has been sweeping the Westside and Culver City has fallen prey to this recent criminal phenomenon.

 Public Works Director Charles Herbertson said vandals have hit Culver City in recent weeks, stealing street signs as well as pilfering copper from the city’s lighting structures.

“Obviously any theft of this sort is very disappointing and taxing for maintenance staff who are already stretched thin trying to maintain city facilities without the added burden of replacing stolen signs or wiring,” Herbertson said.

Copper wire thieves have been active in other communities as well. In nearby Westchester, several street lights have been vandalized over the last year with copper being the bounty in their pilferage. Los Angeles reportedly spent $1 million last year replacing copper wiring after thefts.

Figures on the financial impact in Culver City were not available at press time.

In January 500 Diamond Bar residents were left without power for hours after copper was pulled from a former Honda dealership and on April 26. NBC News reported 22,000 customers of Southern California Edison in Riverside County lost power after copper was stolen from a nearby electrical substation.

As in Los Angeles, Culver City authorities believe thieves have been masquerading as city employees in order to take sigs and copper.

Culver City Public Works officials are asking for the public’s help with the recent rash of damage to streets signs and other city property.

To report any damage to City infrastructure or to report suspicious activity, please contact the Culver City Police Department at 310-837-1221 (non-emergency phone number) or the Public Works Department-Maintenance Operations Division at 310-253-6420.