Community Meet and Greet Scheduled for Delegates from Canadian Sister City




A delegation of six people from Culver City’s Canadian sister city of Lethbridge, Alberta will arrive on Friday, August 23 for a four-day visit.  The guests are coming to learn about and participate in Culver City life and they represent the business, arts and general community of Lethbridge.  A packed four-day itinerary has been designed to expose the visitors to our local arts scene, government and business communities.

The Culver City community is invited to attend the welcome party at the home of Lindberg Park residents former Mayor Ed Wolkowitz and former School Board President Marla Wolkowitz.  The 5:30 pm event is the first chance for local residents to come and meet the guests.  Anyone who is interested in attending is asked to send an email R.S.V.P. to so adequate food will be on hand.   Additional donations of desserts or beverages for the event are encouraged.

Saturday morning will afford Culver City residents another opportunity to meet the visitors, as they will take turns in the Culver City Sister City Committee’s booth at Fiesta La Ballona between 10:00 a.m. and 1:45 p.m.  Following their shifts in the booth, the delegates will have time to visit all of the booths to learn about our diverse community before moving on to visit the ARC and the Wende Museum.

Sunday and Monday’s activities are non-stop from morning to early evening with a broad range of planned activities around the city.

Visitors include Michael Bennett, the Lethbridge Twinning Society’s Director for Culver City; Dawn Leite , the Executive Director, Allied Arts Council Lethbridge/AB;  Ted Stilson, the Executive Director for the Downtown Lethbridge BZR – Main Street Projects; Tania Stilson,  a long-time entrepreneur having had successful businesses I the travel industry, life/living benefits and now general insurance;  former Mayor Robert Tarleck , who has visited Culver City in the past; and Adam Whitford, who works as a curatorial and publications coordinator for the Southern Alberta Art Gallery (SAAG) in Lethbridge.

For more information about the official delegation visit to Culver City contact Sharlene London, CCSCC   For general information about the Sister City Committee, please visit our website: or contact