Communication between children and parents takes center stage at Health Center Meeting



The Friends of the Sandy Segal Youth Health Center will hold its annual meeting on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Culver City High School Library, 4401 Elenda St, Culver City.  Refreshments will be available before the start of the program.  At 7:00 p.m., featured presenter Georganne Bruce will speak about “Keeping the Lines Open: Communication Between Parents and Children.”

Ms. Bruce has been the Executive Director of the Exchange Club Family Support Center in Downey for 28 years. The Center provides counseling and support services for families at the facility and with home visits.  Child abuse prevention programs are offered as well as parenting classes that are open to the public.  At the conclusion of her presentation, Ms. Bruce will take questions from attendees.

After the program, Anne Allaire, Culver City School Board Member, will conduct the installation of this year’s Board Members. Current president Diana Hauptman will once again lead the Board. A short walk over to the Health Center will follow the presentations, with a tour of the facility.  A plaque will be unveiled at the Center which honors the memory of Dr. Sarah Carpenter, former president of the Friends group, who passed away recently.

Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting. The program and installation are scheduled from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., followed by a very short Friends Board Meeting.   Refreshments will be served.

The Friends group serves as the fundraising arm of the Health Center which is located on the Middle and High School campus. Free physical and mental health services, as well as health education, are provided to children living in Culver City or attending Culver City schools. The nonprofit Center, which is operated by the Venice Family Clinic, is supported through donations.  For more information about this event call Diana at 310-839-0862, or email her at To find out more about the Health Center go to the website