Coming loose


          As students approached the Culver City High School gym this Saturday, they were greeted by the sound of music escaping from between the security guards stationed at either door. Surrounded by throngs of their classmates, who were clothed with unusual sophistication in dresses and ties, they pushed ahead into the “Footloose” themed homecoming dance. Culver City High received premiere and special preview tickets from Paramount Pictures’ newest film.

            This year’s homecoming was characterized by fun, lights and dancing. The game, in which the Culver City Centaurs beat the Monarchs 41-6, featured a special halftime show with performances by both the Middle and High Schools’ cheerleading teams as well as a dance routine by high school students. Mischief also occurred – shortly after the game, several unidentified students stripped to their boxers, jumped the fence, and dashed across the field while wearing large sombreros.

            Last year’s homecoming royalty, Nikolas Walker and Lovely Asumbrado, passed down their crowns to crowns to seniors Eliud Evans and Michellae Bryant, who won the vote for king and queen. Michellae is a cheerleader at the high school, and Eliud an active member of the YMCA’s Youth and Government program.

           “It was really fun, and I’m going to the [dance] next year,” declared junior Cameron Williams. And as his friend Abir Algazairy said, “Everyone had a great time and just let loose of reality. [It was] the best night of the year.”