City to host Democratic meeting


State Democrats will convene in Culver City on Jan. 8 to hold an Assembly District meeting to choose delegates for the party convention.

The meeting will be at Veterans Memorial Auditorium with candidate speeches beginning at 1:30 pm.

Culver City is part of the 54 Assembly District and is represented in the Assembly by Assemblyman Sebastian Ridley-Thomas.

“All registered Democrats who reside in the 54th Assembly District, are eligible to participate and to vote for delegates,” said Culver City Mayor Jim Clarke in a recent statement.

Clarke will serve as the meeting’s “convener.”

The 54th Assembly District will elect 14 people (seven women and seven men) to be members of the Democratic State Central Committee Delegation for the 2017- 2019 term. These 14 people will represent their Assembly district for both the 2017 and 2018 state Conventions .For more information , visit, call the California Democratic Party headquarters at (916) 503.7302 or

The elected delegates will make up approximately one-third of the Democratic State Central Committee, the governing body of the California Democratic Party. These delegates vote and conduct business at the yearly State Conventions, including the elections of CDP Officers, the election of up to 25 state party regional directors, California Democratic Party legislative endorsements, ballot propositions, Resolutions and the state party platform.

Veterans Memorial Auditorium is at 4117 Overland Ave.