CicLAvia CC Meets Venice planned for summer


Partnering with the City of Los Angeles and CicLAvia, the City submitted a grant application and was successfully awarded $453,600 to host a “CicLAvia – Culver City meets Venice,” a free open streets event on Sunday, Aug. 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The City Council approved a resolution on March 10, 2014 for Culver City to apply for grant funds from Metro to host an open streets event to take place this year.

During the open street event portions of Washington Boulevard, Washington Place, as well as Culver and Venice Boulevards will be shut down to vehicle traffic, welcoming bicyclists and pedestrians to explore the city and participate in a space that is normally dominated by automobiles.

The end points of the route will be the Culver City Expo Station (Culver City) and Windward Circle at Venice Beach (Los Angeles). The entire route is 6.22 miles. The route in Culver City will transition to Venice Boulevard at Centinela Avenue.  The City will have two hub locations for water stations, entertainment and other planned activities. During the next few months, CicLAvia will conduct outreach to residents, businesses and organizations involved in anticipation for the event. CicLAvia is a non-profit organization that began its events in the City of Los Angeles and has attracted more than 100,000 participants during their open streets event.

The final route for the event is pending final approval.