Chiropractic can benefit children


 I would like to begin this article by simply saying thank you to all of the parents that have shown the utmost trust in both chiropractic and myself over these last 18 years.

Our office cares for 40-50 children per week ranging from newborns to teenagers. I cannot think of any action in this world more trusting than handing your child over to anyone for any reason. Whether it is a chiropractor, pediatrician or day care worker.

To all of you that have told me wonderful stories of the onsets of colds and sniffles which disappeared after bringing the little ones in for an adjustment due to the increase of their immune systems – thank you.

And to all of the others – thank you. Without the 40- 50 or so of the munchkins you guys bring in every week this office would probably be quite boring and quiet. Well maybe!

To those few of you that may have gone to a chiropractor in the past or are currently seeing one and have not or do not take your children in to have their spines and nervous systems checked I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to do so.

The meat of this article will be just basic chiropractic principles on a little person level. For those of you that don’t have children, keep reading – you may someday, or may know someone that does.

   Understanding a few simple concepts is the basis behind this article.

  1. The Nervous system controls and regulates everything in your and your children’s bodies. (Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Immune System, etc..)
  1. Vertebrae protect the spinal nerves. But the vertebrae move.
  1. Vertebrae can and do become misaligned (Subluxated)…more on this below.
  1. A Subluxated vertebra always interferes with the Nervous system.
  1. A nervous system functioning less than 100 percent means less than 100 percent health. Always!
  1. Children get Subluxated just like adults.

            Ever watched a normal 1 to 2-year-old? They stand up… and then they fall down.

They bump into things. They fall down stairs, out of beds or cribs. You pick them up and toss them up in the air. Watch their necks as you do this. Whiplash?

How about 5-year-olds? All the same stuff as a toddler with twice the speed and force. Add to that falling off a bike, skateboard and roller skates. Wrestling with dad or siblings. Pre-teens?

Everything from before plus sports. Playing tag, dodge ball and who knows what else. Teenagers? Forget the physical stuff. How about the stress of dating, school, peers, acne, driving and whatever else.

Stress leads to muscle tension and muscle shortening. Muscles connect to vertebrae and vertebrae move and Subluxate. Also don’t forget about all the junk food they eat and drink. Had enough?

Think about all of the poisons and insults put into our children’s bodies in the first few years of life. Immunizations. In case you don’t know what’s in them I would be happy to discuss this with you if you have time or please research it yourself.

Mercury, formaldehyde, arsenic, animal tissue and lots of other “stuff.”  Do you think that insults a newborns underdeveloped Immune system?

If you or someone you know is not bringing your children to a Chiropractor so they can enjoy the same benefits and potential that you are, why not?

Are you going to leave them at home to possibly end up with the same mess you may be in or have been in the past?

The absolute biggest factor in correcting a spinal misalignment is simply the longer it has been present in your body, the longer it takes to correct. How about a true head start?

Do you know anyone that has children that don’t get their spines checked? Say something to them. If not to our office then send them somewhere.

Call our office and we will be happy to find you a qualified kid friendly Chiropractor anywhere. It is absolutely not right or fair to sit on this kind of knowledge and not share it.

            Would you want someone to tell you if you had children? Children are people too… Just little ones!



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