Chapter 123 DAV Commander, his wife honored at Veterans Building

Photo Courtesy of Cristian Vasquez IN HONOR: Members from the Culver City Chapter 123 Disabled American Veterans, the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary and Culver City Councilman Jim B. Clarke (third from left) gathered with Mark Jenett, center, on Feb


Photo Courtesy of Mark Jenett. HISTORY TOGETHER: David Jenett, a Navy Machinist Mate 1st Class, and Gladys met before joining the service and would be marry after the war. The couple would be married for more than 60 years. The New Jersey natives would mo
Photo Courtesy of Mark Jenett. LIFETIME: Gladys Jenett was part of the Navy WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), which was established on 30 July 1942 as a World War II division of the U.S. Navy. The Navy Waves consisted entirely of wom
Photo Courtesy of Cristian Vasquez MEMORIAL: Gladys and David Jenett were married for more than 60 and passed away less than six months apart. The New Jersey natives met before joining the war effort and moved to California in 1969. In retirement age they
Photo Courtesy of Mark Jenett GREATEST GENERATION: Navy Machinist Mate 1st Class David Jenett, bottom left, joined the Navy at age 17 and served in America’s campaign in the Pacific. Jenett, a New Jersey native, fought in the famous Battle of Guadalcana
Photo Courtesy of Mark Jenett READY FOR ACTION: David Jenett might have only been 17 when he joined the Navy but he served with maturity beyond his years. Despite being wounded in the arm during the campaign in the Pacific, Jenett completed his service wi


David Jenett and Gladys Jenett both served their country in the Navy during World War II. In retirement age they would both devote their time to the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 123 and the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary.

On Feb. 14, members of the DAV Chapter 123 and the DAVA celebrated the couple’s life during a memorial service in the Rotunda Room at the Veteran’s Building.

“Dave and Gladys will be sorely missed,” DAVA member Caroline Morris said. “They were an intricate part of keeping this organization together and we will miss them dearly. The lifelong couple was married for more than 60 years and met in their native New Jersey before joining the war effort.

DAV Chapter 123 Commander David Jenett, born April 18, 1926, was Navy Machinist Mate 1st Class fought during America’s campaign in the Pacific and was part of the Battle of Guadalcanal. Gladys Jenett was born Dec. 22, 1930 and was a member of the Navy WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), which was established on July 30, 1942 as a World War II division in the U.S. Navy. The Navy WAVES consisted entirely of women who joined the war effort.

“It is fitting that we are having this memorial today (Feb. 14) for Davie and Gladys because if there was someone who was in love, it was Davie and Gladys,” Pastor Eddie said. “They were great people. We called him Davie Boy because he would come in with a guitar and I would ask him, ‘Davie, you going to sing us a song?’ He had about 200 songs all memorized.”

David and Gladys Jenett moved to California back in 1969 during which time he worked as a plant manager in a relative’s bakery, Country Club Brick Oven Bread, which was located off of Higuera Street.

After only working there for a few years, David worked a few jobs before going into business for himself. Such was his ability to fix things that David would even have his own call-ion show “Mr. Fixit” on KABC radio.

“David loved every one; he was always helping people and loved to play his guitar,” Joe Fiumefreddo said. “We are going to carry on that legacy for Gladys and David.”

“He was Renaissance man and the beauty of it all was that everything he did was to bless somebody,” Pastor Eddie said. Gladys passed away on Aug. 10, 2014 and David passed away Jan. 6 of this year.

The DAV is one of the most long-lasting veterans advocacy and assistance group in the country and has never wavered in its core mission to fulfill the country’s promises to the men and women who served. Among the support provided to the veterans by the DAV is help with medical and financial issues.