CCPD investigating Washington Blvd. armed robbery

(Tex Texin)

The Culver City Police Department released a statement this week, reporting on an armed robbery that occurred in a parking lot on the 12000 block of Washington Boulevard, on Saturday, March 15.

At around 8:50 p.m., officers “received a call reporting that the victim was robbed of camera equipment at the location. Police immediately responded to the area and contacted the victim while other units simultaneously searched the area for the suspects involved. After a thorough search, the suspects were not located.”

Police conducted an investigation, revealing that the male victim was “selling camera equipment through an online platform and coordinated a meeting with a potential buyer at a parking lot on the 12000 block of Washington Boulevard. When the victim met the potential buyer in the lot, he was approached by the two suspects (S/1 and S/2). S/1 and S/2 carried on a conversation about the camera equipment. Meanwhile, a black vehicle pulled into a space in the parking lot.”

Suspect one punched the victim in the face according to the statement, knocking him to the ground. 

“S/1 grabbed the camera equipment while S/2 held the victim down on the ground by the neck,” the CCPD said. “Both suspects then ran into the black vehicle driven by a third suspect (S/3). The victim attempted to stop the vehicle, held on to the door and was dragged several feet before S/3 stopped the vehicle. S/3 then pointed a gun at the victim and ordered him to get away from the vehicle. The suspects then fled eastbound on Washington Boulevard and out of sight.”

Anyone with additional information regarding this case is encouraged to contact the Culver City Police Department Public Information Officer, Jennifer Atenza, at (310) 253-6120, email,or contact the Watch Commander at (310) 253-6202.

Suspects: (S/1) Male, Black, 5’10, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black pants

(S/2) Male, Black, 5’10, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black pants

(S/3) Male, Black, heavy build, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, armed with a handgun

Suspect Vehicle: Black, four-door sedan

Weapon: Black semi-automatic handgun

Property Taken: Sony Alpha 7 S3 Camera worth approximately $3200 and Sony FE 28-70 mm 2.8 lens worth approximately $2300