CCPD investigated hate crime

(Tex Texin)

On Saturday, December 2, the Culver City Police Department released a statement which read that they are investigating a possible hate incident.

According to the statement, posted to social media, the CCPD was made aware of flyers that were posted in a Culver City neighborhood possibly containing hate speech on December 1.

“The Culver City Police Department condemns all forms of hate,” they said. “All resources available will be utilized to fully investigate this incident and bring any criminal offenders that are identified to justice. We are working in collaboration with community partners, neighboring law enforcement agencies, and additional law enforcement partners on this matter. Any criminal activity discovered during the course of this investigation will be presented to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office for criminal filing consideration.”

Anyone with information regarding this incident should contact the Culver City Police Department Public Information Officer, Jennifer Atenza, at (310) 253-6120, or the Watch Commander at (310) 253-6202.