CCHS reunion slated for July


Culver City High School Class of ‘83 30th reunion yacht party will be held on Sat, July 20, 2013 from 8 p.m. to 11:45 p.m.

The renunion committee has implemented an online scholarship “Angels” program to offer subsidized half price tickets to struggling members of the Class of ‘83.

Class members with the means are encouraged to donate the other half of the ticket price for one or more partial scholarship tickets to be offered to our classmates.

Centaur faculty (teachers, administrators, and staff) back in 1983 are invited guests at no cost.  Members of the Classes of ‘81 to ’85 are also invited.

         The committee has kept the ticket price as low as possible (early bird tickets have a base price of only $69 plus transaction fees for the first 100 tickets sold, then the regular price will be $79 plus fees).

This is the lowest price for any Class of ‘83 reunion in history – in spite of 20 years of inflation since our first reunion in 1993.

         The event will be held on a private 3-story yacht with an open deck, complete with a variety of hors d’oeuvres, some of which will be served on display tables with crisp white linen tablecloths and others will be hand passed on trays by uniformed yacht stewards.

Cash bars will be offering a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks for sale.

The yacht will cruise around Marina del Rey 9-11 p.m. remaining docked for the first and last hour of the event.

Tickets are for sale at