CCFD reminds community April is Earthquake Preparedness Month


Now more than ever families, neighbors and community members need to come together to help one another – to prepare for any eventuality. The City of Culver City emphasizes the need for people to be prepared and to build a network of friends and families that are trained and able to help in a disaster. There are steps that everyone can take to help ensure their safety in these uncertain times: Make a plan, Build a kit, Get trained, and be informed.

During the month of April, which is Earthquake Preparedness Month, the City of Culver City would like to remind its community members to have a family disaster plan to ensure that all family members know what to do, where to go and who to call in case of a disaster. Having the right tools, medicine and food in a disaster can mean the difference between life and death.  We also recommend that everyone have an emergency disaster kit at home, in the car and at work or school.

The following tips will help community members be better prepared for a disaster, since planning ahead is the first step to a calmer and more assured disaster response.

Talk with your family about potential disasters; plan to share responsibilities and work together as a team; plan and designate a place to meet after a disaster has struck; designate an out-of-state friend to be your family contact; learn how and when to turn utilities off (water, gas and electricity); tell everyone in the home where emergency contact information is located; install smoke detectors on each level of your home, especially near bedrooms. Remember to test smoke detectors monthly and change batteries at least once a year; determine the best escape routes out of your home; check if you have adequate insurance coverage; take a Red Cross first aid and CPR Class or join the City’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) to get trained for free and become more disaster aware; and practice the plan.

People should also keep their disaster supply items in a sturdy, easy-to-carry container such as a backpack, duffle bag or covered container and store in a convenient location known to the entire family. Remember to check dates of both food items and batteries and change water supply every six months for freshness. Keep enough supplies in your disaster supply kit to meet the needs of your family for a minimum of three days. Remember to prepare for family members with special requirements, such as infants, elderly or disabled persons.

Kits should include: water (a minimum of one gallon per person per day); food (non-perishable, high-protein items); first aid kit (including prescription and non-prescription medicine); flashlights (including extra batteries); tools and supplies (including scissors, aspirin, knife, can opener and sanitary supplies); battery-operated radio; clothing and bedding (one set of clothing and shoes per family member and sleeping articles); money; pet supplies (including food, water, leash and medication); a map of the surrounding area; and contact information.

Having a plan and knowing what to do can save a life, your life.  Visit the City’s website at, to take advantage of the many disaster oriented resources available to you.  Remember, Emergency Preparedness Begins with You!  For more information please call 310-253-5900.