With a $33,000 grant from
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
and Fireman’s Fund Insurance
Company the Culver City
Fire Department was able to
purchase new high-rise hose
“The fireman’s fund sought
us out and basically what they
do is they ask fire departments
if they have an unfunded need,”
Assistant Chief Dave White
said. “If they have the money,
they give a grant.”
High-rise hose packs are
essential for fighting fires in
multi-story buildings, large
apartment complexes, and
large buildings such as malls
and other shopping centers.
This grant specifically allows
the department to replace
existing hose packs that are
more than 20 years old.
Officials from the CCFD,
firefighters and executives
from Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.,
along with the Fireman’s Fund
gathered on Tuesday, September
10 for a special public event
where the grant was presented.
“It’s critical that our firefighters
have the equipment needed
to provide the best service possible
to the community,” White
said. “We are very thankful for
this grant, which helps us keep
the community and our firefighters
The hose packs include
hoses, nozzles and other crucial
hardware needed to connect
to water supply systems.
In addition, the newly obtained
hose packs are compatible
with the equipment used by
other fire departments in the
surrounding area, increasing
the effectiveness of mutual aid
assistance during emergency
responses involving large
“It took about six months
to get the money; the equipment
has been purchased and
is already in service,” White
said. “This is the third time that
the department receives it this
Last year the grant the
CCFD received grant money
for extrication equipment, such
as special cutters for the Jaws of
Life. The year prior the department
obtained a grant funding
protective equipment such as
turnout coats.
The grant is only part of
a larger, nationwide philanthropic
program that is funded
by Fireman’s Fund Insurance
Company. Fireman’s Fund is
celebrating its 150th anniversary
this year.
Fireman’s Fund Insurance
Company was established with
one social mission in mind: to
support the fire service. Today
the fund awards grants to fire
service organizations for items
of a life-saving capacity, firefighter
training and community
education programs.
“Budget constraints make it
difficult for fire departments to
purchase all of the equipment
and tools they need to do their
jobs safely and effectively,”
Maria King, area executive vice
president and chief operating
officer of Arthur J. Gallagher &
Co. said in a press release. “We
are proud to support firefighters
and know that the whole
community will benefit from
this donation.”
Fireman’s Fund has given
grants to more than 1,900 different
organizations at a total
surpassing $30 million since
2004. That includes more
than $8.5 million in California,
alone. Independent insurance
agencies and brokers that sell
Fireman’s Fund products, like
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., are
capable to direct such grants to
support fire services. Through
this program, Arthur J. Gallagher
has directed more than $1
million in grants to fire departments