CC students achieve academic success



The following students, all Culver City residents, received academic honors from Arizona State University by making the University’s Dean’s List for the Spring 2014 semester: Vita Dipolito, Devon Edwards and Jessica Hoffman.

Undergraduate students who earn 12 or more graded semester hours during a semester in residence at ASU with a GPA of 3.50 or higher are eligible for the Dean’s List. A notation regarding Dean’s List achievement appears on the unofficial transcript.

In addition, the following local students were awarded diplomas from Arizona State University: Shameer Bolanos, Nikhil Chitlur Navakiran, Irfan Khanmohamed and Devon Edwards all from Culver City.

Also on the Dean’s List were Windle Lee, Kevin Meyer and Leilani Llacuna, all from Santa Monica. Also on the list were Cecilia La Rosa from Venice and Adam Cavers and Brandon Atkinson both from Los Angeles.

Two other students awarded diplomas from ASU were Adam Cavers of Los Angeles and Ross Ghiasi of Santa Monica.

Arizona State University is a New American University-a major public educational institution, a premier research center and a leader in innovation. The vision, as described by ASU’s three core principles, include excellence in scholarship, access to education and impact in the global community. As a New American University, ASU is intellectually vibrant, socially conscious and globally engaged.