CC Rotary Club’s Holiday Luncheon will honor U.S. Marines


This holiday season, community residents and businesses are invited to a very special fundraiser luncheon to benefit Camp Pendleton U.S. Marines and their families on Wednesday, Dec. 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 .m. at the American Legion Hall at 5300 S. Sepulveda Blvd. in Culver City.

Presented annually by the Culver City Rotary Club, this holiday luncheon is famous for the “Bill Winn Ribs,” a long-honored Rotary tradition of serving smoked ribs, along with turkey, ham, salads and deserts.

Gifts of toys and/or gift cards will be collected and donated for the families of Camp Pendleton Marines. Those who attend are invited to bring along such gifts. Several U.S. Marines will be there to take them back to their families and children.

Tickets are $20/ per person and it’s no host bar. Everyone should be ready to participate in the “stretch raffle.” Everyone is encouraged to donate a gift to a child or a Gift Card to a Marine family at Camp Pendleton. Persons interested can RSVP with Attorney Phil Tangalakis, at pltlawoffice@ or by calling (310) 839-4420.

For community members interested in Culver City Rotary Club membership and jumping on the service bandwagon, both locally and internationally, contact President Joel Forman at (310) 559- 7250, or member Wendy Taylor at (310) 876-1411. People can also visit Weekly Rotary meetings are held on Wednesdays at noon at the Culver Hotel. Visitors are always welcome—come on down and learn what Rotary is all about.