Expect to see hundreds of little yellow ducks in the Culver City Plunge this weekend, though it isn’t some sort of miracle of nature. Culver City Rotary Club members will be selling chances for the Lucky Ducky Swim at the Fiesta La Ballona, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 26-27.
At 2 p.m. Sunday, the rubber ducks will “swim” across the Culver City Plunge with prizes for 10 Lucky Ducky winners.
The top prize is $500, and second prize will be tickets to a Rams football game. There’s plenty more on offer too.
The proceeds from the Lucky Ducky Swim will benefit Culver City children and youth programs. The Rotary Club is a strong supporter of education in Culver City and has provided dictionaries to every 3rd grader, Chromebooks and computers, white boards and projectors, and other technology to the Culver City School District, club officials said.
Look for the Rotary booth at the Fiesta and watch the “swim” on Sunday. Lucky Ducky chances are $5 with a Six-Quack for $25. All donations are appreciated for this fun event.
“Every time we talk about the Lucky Ducky Swim, people smile,” Rotarian Carmela Raack said. “It is a pleasure to see people enjoy such a fun and happy activity.”
Contact the Culver City Rotary Club at culvercityrotay@gmail.com, culvercityrotary.org and Facebook.com/groups/culvercityrotary.