Cat ladies (and men) unite

Photo by Lori Fusaro

I’ve had cats my entire life. Growing up, I had Peanut, my grandmother’s Siamese. She had a purr that sounded like a Mack truck. Then, there was Tiffany, my very first. She was a beautiful black-and-white angora, with a pink nose. She would sleep with me a night and make a nest in my hair. I’d fall asleep each night listening to her purr. She hated my mom and would poop in her shoes. Buffy was a cat I gave as a present to my high school boyfriend. I knew he wouldn’t be allowed to keep him – pretty sneaky, huh? Next up were Petey and Jackie, my New York City cats. At the time, I was dating my husband and convinced him we needed animals. As soon as I saw Jackie, I knew she was the one for me. She only had one eye, and I can’t resist an underdog. Petey was her sister and the shelter wouldn’t let us adopt only one, so, of course, we went home with them both.

Cats have been a part of human lives since ancient days when Egyptians considered them gods. I think the Egyptians had the right idea – cats make the world a better place. It’s true. Anyone who thinks cats are aloof and don’t interact or give affection has never had the pleasure of being owned by a cat. Every kitty I have I’ve ever known has its own personality and quirks. I love them all.

M’Lissa Fleming grew up with cats and her love for them has grown over the years. She said, “I had cats when I was very little. Some of my first memories are of animals. When my parents got divorced my mom didn’t let me get another. My first opportunity as an adult to get a kitty was out of college. Now I have four. Guess I over compensated for all those years I couldn’t have them.”

Angel City Derby Girl, Choke Norris has three adorable little fur balls. She remembers fondly why she decided to adopt her cats. “The first cat, Reggie, was my ex-boyfriend’s. We were living with a bunch of roommates, one of which also had a cat, and when we moved out into a place of our own, Reggie started acting up badly. We figured it was because he was used to having another cat to play with when we weren’t around. So we got a second cat – Sheldon – a gray Maine coon, to keep Reggie company. I got my third cat, Arthur, a ginger domestic short hair, when my sister’s cat had kittens. I couldn’t justify holding him and not taking him home, plus, I needed an orange cat to complete my colored cat collection.”

Cats have the reputation of being aloof and independent. If you give a cat your heart and earn its trust, you have a friend for life. They love unconditionally. Fleming said, “I love when they come up to my belly and kneed on it. No matter how independent they think they are, they still need some love from mommy.

Bedtime wouldn’t be the same without Sophie, she said, who “thinks she is human and tries to lay next to me, with her head on my pillow and puts her paw on my face.”

Shanti Wooton remembered her cat that passed away a few years ago. “Snicker was one of the eight cats I’ve had through the years. He loved me like no other cat. I was his person and no one else would do. He would always come when I called him and he would wrap his paws around my neck and tuck his head under my chin. In truth, he made me feel special.”

I love to hear a cat purr. My cat Francis, just like Peanut, has the loudest I’ve ever heard. All you have to do is look at him and he’ll purr. There’s nothing better to make you smile when you’re sad. The simple little built-in motor cats have can give any mood a tune-up.

            Cats are incredibly smart. I keep all the kitty treats in a cabinet. Both Francis and Enzo know exactly where the treats are and when they want one, have been known to open the door and help themselves.

Cats give you someone to talk to and sometimes even talk back. Francis is the talker in our house, especially when he’s in trouble. Just like a teenager, he’ll give me a dirty look, a mean meow and sulk off to the bedroom. It seems I’m not alone. Norris said of her cat, Arthur, “He yells back at me when I yell at him. He thinks he’s so tough.”

Cats are incredibly adaptable. With the revolving door of rescue dogs and cats that come into our house, Francis and Enzo have become the official welcoming committee. It’s amazing to see them interact with the new animals. Enzo has even helped our feral cat, Sammy, feel at home. Sammy won’t let a human near him but the minute he sees Enzo, all he wants to do is cuddle with him.

Norris recalled her recent move and how her cats handled it. “I moved out to California just over a year ago. Me and my boyfriend packed up a mini-van full of my belongings, three cats included, and drove across the country. We stayed at pet-friendly hotels and they handled it very well.”

What other animal breed draws such strong emotion, and dare I say worship, that the people who love them so much are often referred to as crazy? Call me crazy if you want, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Lori Fusaro has been voted the best portrait photographer by FoxTV three years in a row. She lives in Culver City with her husband, four cats and dog. Contact her at and