Casting A Vote for Eriksson


Please consider casting your ballot for the upcoming Culver City Council election for Göran Eriksson. As I have worked with Göran on issues involving our schools over the past four years, I have come to admire his ability to combine vision with sense. He was one of the first supporters of the school facilities school bond Measure CC because he knew that improving our schools was not only the right thing to do for our students and teachers, but it was the fiscally responsible choice as well because quality schools draw families to live, work and play in Culver City. Göran has been an invested and engaged member of our Culver City community for over 20 years. He has raised his children here, he owns a business here and he has volunteered untold hours in the community, supporting fiscally sound and innovative solutions to put our neighborhoods first. Finally and perhaps most importantly, Göran brings a sensibility and sense of humor that enhances collaboration amongst those with differing views.  His impeccable work ethic is coupled with an ease of pragmatism – when combined those two qualities will allow the City Council to work together to continue to build on the work that has been done by previous City Councils. Our community is so lucky to have a person of Göran’s ability willing to serve us. Please vote for Göran Eriksson!
Laura Chardiet

Former CCUSD Board of Education Member