Candidates beneficiaries of write-in campaign


Letters are swarming into my inbox (and my junk mail for some reason). Culver City voters are making their voices heard by vouching for their school board candidates with testimonials, commendations and anecdotes. It’s inspiring (and would be even more inspiring in email form, but I digress).

If we had a dozen more pages with which to work and devoted them all to letters and campaign announcements and endorsements, it still wouldn’t be enough. The News will try to print as many exclusive letters as we feasibly can. The same is true of campaign functions and endorsements – we will do our best to keep you abreast of the candidates’ goings-on and the support they receive from various local groups and institutions.

Additionally, we have begun profiling the candidates individually in order to provide an in-depth look at the people seeking a seat on the district school board. This week Gary Walker has profiled Laura Chardiet, whose work with the La Ballona PTA and her involvement in LAUSD have formed the centerpiece of her campaign. Nov. 8 is only a few weeks away and as we approach, I expect the race to take on an even greater sense of urgency.

A recent poll conducted by the News revealed that our readers believe the school board election is the most important local event happening right now. I’ve overheard it sparking discussions and debates among residents at local eateries and watering holes.

Our poll question this week asks whether you have attended any of the functions thrown in support of a candidate and whether that has affected your voting decision. For those who have not attended any get-togethers, we are curious if you have already made up your mind or are still weighing the decision. We look forward to hearing from you.