CalVet of West L.A. will host job fair



CalVet is hosting a job fair on Jan. 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. that will serve as a one-stop location to speak with Human Resource staff, obtain instruc-tion on navigating the State of California Job website, provide on-site testing for state jobs, and training on “How to get a State Job.”

The Veterans Home in West Los Angeles is looking for peo-ple who are caring and compas-sionate and want to give back to those that have given so much for this country. As the West L.A. Veterans home is filled to capacity, CalVet will be hir-ing caregivers to take care of Veterans.

CalVet is in need of nurses, LVNs, CNAs, rehabilitation therapist, occupational thera-pist, recreational therapist, pharmacist, social workers, materials and stores workers, food workers, and other posi-tions required to operate a long-term care facility. For more information regarding careers at CalVet, persons interested can visit or to ask any questions persons interested can email at

For direc-tions persons can call (877) 605-1332 or (424) 832-8200.