Burke pursues school board seat

Anne Allaire Burke

CCUSD school board candidate Anne Allaire Burke did not respond to numerous requests by the CCN for a pre-election interview. Subsequently, we are running her candidate’s statement and a photo.

I am running for the School Board to help make the Culver City Unified School District the best educational experience for our students and teachers in the state and be a national model of success.

Proof of my LEADERSHIP is evident in my current & past service in the following roles: Vice-President, Culver City Council PTA; PTA President, El Marino Language School; Recording Secretary and VP, Advocates for Language Learning El Marino (ALLEM); Vice-President, Parent Advisory Council–CCUSD Office of Child Development; Member, Olweus Bullying Prevention Committee; and Board of Directors, Culver City Little League.

I am a first generation college student and intimately understand the anxieties and obstacles that first generation college students and their families face.

As a non-white woman, it is my hope to bring real diversity on the board. It is essential that our diverse student population is continually understood and represented. It is critical to keep a diverse voice on the board–for our students, for our community.

I will continue our culture of respect and engagement as we strive for continual improvement of our programs. My 7 year track record of service as a parent leader in our school district is evidence of my investment and dedication to this ENTIRE school district and our community. I have the trust from parent leaders at ALL of the schools in our district: El Rincon, El Marino, La Ballona, Farragut, Linwood Howe, CCMS, Culver Park, iAcademy, and CCHS.