British Men, Inc. win the ‘Judges’ Award’


Culver City’s beloved LEGO team, British Men Inc., took the Judges’ Award at the FIRST LEGO  League (FLL) Robotics Competition.

The contest was held this past Sunday at the Elk’s Lodge on Washington Place.

Their robot, Alexander Lafayette III, performed well under pressure, and their conceptual design robot, called SSH (Super Senior Helper) was received with enthusiasm.

            “The Judges’ Award is typically given to a team whose unique efforts stand out to the judges. This team’s ideas were out of this world, and their enthusiasm put a smile on everyone’s face.

“Just by being themselves, this team proved that the number one goal was to have fun. If you “mustache” who the winner is, just look for the built in party over by team 3835, British Men, Incorporated,” said the judges about awarding the coveted award.

Their coach, Culver City resident Andres Iglas, could not be happier.

“The team, “had a great time,” Iglas said.

Coach Iglas looks forward to next year’s competition, and expects even more great teams to be representing Culver City.

He is currently talking with Culver City Unified School District about establishing teams within the local school communities.