Bowling for dollars

Lucky strike Jeffrey Potts bowls at AMF’s El Dorado Lanes in Westchester. He will be competing for $50,000 at AMF’s national tourney. Submitted photo

Jeffrey Potts of Culver City will be bowling for $50,000 at the AMF National In-League Tournament finale to be held in Las Vegas on April 8 and 9. Some 108 amateur competitors will compete for approximately $500,000 in prizes.

All of the 108 AMF league bowlers will compete in an elimination-style format that spans four rounds and two days of competition. The bowler in each division with the highest pins-over-average score or closest to average will walk away with the record-breaking purse. Although only one person in each division will be crowned the $50,000 grand prize winner, every national finalist will receive prize money, ranging from $25,000 for second place to $250 each for the bowlers finishing in places 17 through 27.

To make it to this point, division winners worked their way through a nine-week qualifying period, followed by two weeks of in-center finals at each AMF location and 27 district finals events at select AMF locations nationwide.

To follow Potts and the tournament, go to, via Twitter at @bowlatAMF and on Facebook at Bowlers interested in entering the 2012 tournament can sign up for a league at any AMF location this fall.

AMF Bowling Centers is the world’s largest owner and operator of bowling alleys, with 298 centers in the U.S. To find a location near you, visit