Booster Club hits jackpot with casino night


More than $20,000 was raised to support local high school student activities, as nearly 500 guests and 70 volunteers turned out for the Booster Club’s annual Community Casino Night, at Veteran’s Auditorium.

The gala cost $20 per person, $25 at the door, which purchased $100 in chips. In addition to appetizers and a dessert bar, the casino featured a no-host bar, with alcohol generously donated by Mehaul O’Leary of Joxer Daly’s and Kevin Kunisaki of La Brea Liquor. The event featured a dessert bar never before seen in Culver City, with over 1,500 individual pieces of dessert.

In addition to 30 black jack tables and two other gaming tables, there was a silent auction featuring, among other things, Disneyland tickets, restaurant gift cards and hotel stays. An autographed Kobe Bryant jersey was auctioned off, as was a Los Angeles Clippers ball boy/ball girl package, a dinner with the Culver City Fire Department, and more than 140 other items.

One of those items was a custom, hand-made, surf board by surf board-maker Craig Ferre’, which he donated to the Booster Club. It was yellow and white, with the Culver City Centaur logo prominently displayed. And, in keeping with the theme of casino night, an antique slot machine and hotel stays in Las Vegas and Laughlin were also raffled off.

The Culver City High School Booster Club helps to support student clubs, organizations, athletic teams and other extracurricular activities of Culver City High School through financial support and volunteerism.