Blessings of Bella


What do you get when you cross a dog left for dead in a gutter and a woman who had never even thought of owning an animal? You get Blessings of Bella, a small organization trying to make the lives of shelter dogs just a little bit better.

Alexandra Baerg, a hair stylist and children’s book writer, met Bella three years ago as a scared, dirty, flea-infested puppy with something terribly wrong with one eye. She remembers, “Bella was terrified of everyone and everything. My niece found her in the gutter and called me. Not knowing what to do, I took her to my [veterinarian]. He said she was indeed abused and thought her eye had been punctured with a screwdriver, causing her to be blind in that eye.”

The veterinarian advised her to keep the scrappy four-week old pup, saying that she probably didn’t stand a chance in the shelter system. Baerg was nervous about the responsibility but decided to keep her. It was a rough road. Eventually, Bella learned to trust people. Of course, Baerg had everything to do with that. She worked with her in new situations, took her to obedience school and socialized her around other animals.

“Bella took a while to come around,” she said. “She now loves people and dogs. She is a natural comedian and one of happiest dogs I have ever seen. She loves to race around the back yard, go to the park, play with her squeaky toys and sit in any lap that will let her give kisses. I am so happy to have her in my life. She is the joy of my heart.”

Bella changed Baerg to the core. Never having been around so many dogs and animal people, she learned that Bella’s story was far from unusual – hundreds of animals have suffered like Bella did in her early life. She learned that shelter dogs sometimes have the cards so stacked against them that they don’t make it out. And so Baerg decided to do something about it. She started Blessings of Bella – a one woman show that helps make the lives of shelter dogs a little bit happier.

In May, Baerg was touched by a special German shepherd name Gates, which had glaucoma in one eye. When she found out that the Burbank German Shepherd Rescue saved this sweet girl, she knew she had to help. Bella and Baerg collected 64 cans of dog food for the organization. “They would have been happy with just a few cans and were elated to receive so many. And I’m happy to report Gates was adopted not long ago,” she said.

Baerg doesn’t just donate locally. This summer, she was saddened to hear about the town of Joplin, Mo., which was destroyed by a tornado. Knowing that animals there were in desperate need, she decided to send food, treats and even some kitty litter for the pets in the town. “I used coupons and with sale items was able to send a sizeable care package,” she said.

She also collected collars for another dog rescue group. Karma Rescue of Los Angeles was in dire need of new leashes and collars for their newly rescued dogs. Bella personally delivered 17 collars, 14 leashes, six squeaky tennis balls and a $20 gift card.

September is National Biscuit Month. Baerg is going to celebrate by donating dog biscuits to the East Valley Animal Shelter.

“I believe you always have something to give. You can give money, time, supplies, services or even a smile,” Baerg says. “Having Bella has taught me lessons in kindness, compassion and love. I love her just the way she is. Someone thought of her as trash, but she is truly the treasure of my heart. Bella is the best thing that could have happened to me.”

If you’d like to help Bella with her mission, contact her on Facebook at:

Lori Fusaro has been voted the best portrait photographer by FoxTV three years in a row. She lives in Culver City with her husband, four cats and dog. Contact:,