Bike Safe, Bike Smart Cycling tips from the Culver City Bicycle Coalition


A local nonprofit helps riders build competence and confidence

You look outside – it’s a beautiful day. You throw on your helmet, hop on your bicycle and take off. There is sunshine and a slight breeze at your back.Your body is thanking you effusively and your spirits soar.

Ten blocks later, your chain falls off. Or you get a flat. Or you start to hear a grinding noise each time your right foot reaches the middle of your pedal stroke. You stop, look at your bike and consider what to do next. You reach for your cellphone, but quickly realize that there’s no roadside assistance phone number to call. This is not what you signed up for.

Of course, you can call someone at home to pick you up or you can trudge home with your bicycle at your side. Or, miraculously, you can grab a bicycle tool out of your pocket or saddlebag, make a quick adjustment and, in a few minutes, continue your ride, happy as a lark.

If that miraculous solution seems way too farfetched, Bikerowave wants you to think again. Bikerowave is a not-for-profit, volunteer-owned-and-run, do-it-yourself bicycle repair shop. The volunteers who staff the shop have expertise and training in bicycle repairs of all kinds and are eager to teach you how to keep your bicycle rolling by providing the space, equipment and especially, the hands-on instruction, oversight and encouragement of bicycle-repair experts to teach you how to maintain and repair your own bicycle. That’s right – you.

Because once you learn the simplest, most common repairs – whether it’s putting a chain back where it belongs or patching your punctured tire tube – you’ll never again find yourself standing over your bike, scratching your head and wondering what in the world to do next.

“Our goal is to build confidence,” says Steve Mattson, Bikerowave’s general manager.

Mattson says he is gratified by the wide variety of cyclists who come in the door – commuters, daily riders and weekend riders from all walks of life. Several of the volunteer staff, some of whom work in retail bicycle shops, gathered in the shop one recent afternoon to chat. All were friendly and enthusiastic, and say they look forward to helping more of us from Culver City figure out how to fix our bikes.

While Bikerowave offers organized basic repair workshops from time to time, Mike Roddy points out that “every hour we’re open is an informal class or workshop.” He says that the shop isn’t just a shop, but that it’s also a “clubhouse – a place to rendezvous.” There’s even a comfortable lounge area if you need to take a break.

There are eight bicycle repair stands and at least four volunteers ready to assist. Simply sign in, tell a volunteer why you’re there, and you’ll be on your way. Workshop time, or “stand time,” costs $7 per hour, $4 per half hour. There’s a sliding scale for those who cannot afford to pay. You’ll have full use of the shop’s tools (don’t worry, someone will tell you how to use them), and you might even want to choose a new or used headlight or fenders from the shop’s useful selection of items for sale. (Bikerowave happily accepts donations of used parts and serviceable bicycles.)

Once you develop just a little familiarity with the basics, the next time you’re out riding and your handlebar suddenly seems loose, you won’t even think about quitting and going home. You’ll know what to do, you’ll know that it’s really not difficult and you’ll have the skills and the confidence to do it.

The shop can be reached by phone during business hours or online at Better yet, stop in, it’s on the north side of Venice Boulevard, a block east of Centinela Avenue. Chances are that someone there will know how to help you. Remember to mark your calendar for the next family bicycle ride, Sunday, March 27. Details will be posted on the CCBC Web site.


Bike Safe, Bike Smart! is a weekly column to promote responsible cycling by providing information, education and advice about riding. It’s written by members of the Culver City Bicycle Coalition (CCBC), a local chapter of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition. Join them for their family bike ride, the last Sunday of every month. For more information and to submit your questions, write, and visit their blog: