“Bidding For Good” to benefit the Sandy Segal Youth Health Center


Here is a way for all to obtain some great bargains and help the Friends of the Culver City Youth Health Center in their fundraising efforts for this year. “Bidding For Good” is an online auction site where nonprofit groups can run auctions to assist in their projects and will begin on Oct. 3 at: www.biddingforgood.com/SSYHC142.

The bidding process ends on Oct. 14.

The Friends group is the fundraising arm of the Health Center, which is located on the campus of Culver City High School and Culver City Middle School. The proceeds of this auction will support the free ongoing physical and mental health programs at the Center.

Some of the items the auction is offering include an array of Hello Kitty items, collectibles, skateboard art, golf in Myrtle Beach, trips to Panama, Barbados, Crete, gift cards, and much more.

Children living in Culver City or attending Culver City schools are eligible to receive the free physical and mental services offered at the Health Center. Physicals, immunizations, care for ongoing illnesses and conditions, mental health support for depression, anxiety, family or partner violence, and eating disorders, are just some of the services provided by the staff at the Health Center. The Venice Family Clinic operates the facility, and the L.A. Child Development Center provides mental health services. Funding for the Center is acquired through grants and donations.

For more information about the Center or the Friends group persons interested can call (310) 842-4328, or go visit the website at: www.culvercityyouthhealthcenter.org.