‘Biased’ Candidate Coverage


As a resident of Culver City, I read the Culver City News for local items such as information about our election for City Council on April 10. It was my understanding that the articles about the candidates were to be even-handed and without bias. I found that this was not the case for the piece on Alex Fisch.

The article contained a series of paragraphs complaining about the polarization of the campaign and the attack on the Culver City Chamber of Commerce. This bit of very partisan writing should have been done as a separate article, unless you can directly attribute it to Mr. Fisch. 

In a previous issue of the paper, the article about Candidate Tiggs was distinctly slanted in his favor. The article about Candidate Vera was similarly heavy on praise. This again seems like editorializing, rather than dispassionate reporting. Incidentally, both of these candidates are supported by the Chamber. This scarcely seems coincidental.

I am upset and disappointed that your newspaper is taking editorial stands. I would prefer that you simply provide the candidates’ views and qualifications. Voters are entitled to form their own opinions, without guidance from the Culver City News.

Please take note that I am taking issue with the ethics of the newspaper, and not those of the candidates.

— Bruce Winston

Culver City