Gerologist and elder law attorney Susan B. Geffen will host a free seminar on elder care at the Culver City Doubletree Hotel on April 20.
Geffen, the author of “Take That Nursing Home And Shove It!” will discuss how to care for an elderly relative.
Designed to help baby boomers prepare for the inevitable and cope better with an already existing situation, the seminar hopes to help answer a multitude of questions about caring for the elderly and preparing for the future.
According to the event’s organizers, Geffen will answer questions regarding Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and the difference between assisted living and a skilled nursing facility among others.
“This is not a senior health fair with a chance to win a cruise. Our audience is serious about learning and obtaining answers to hard questions from someone who truly understands what they are going through and where they are headed without having to spend countless hours on the phone or navigating the Internet,” said Geffen.
“Many people think the government will pay for everything when they are older. It won’t, and that is a real dangerous myth that I try to dispel.”
The seminar will begin at 10 a.m.
For reservations, call (800) 301-1326 or go to
The Culver City Doubletree Hotel is located at 6161 W Centinela Ave.