Attack flyers are a disgrace


The cowardly, mean-spirited, anonymous flyers attacking Albert Vera and Marcus Tiggs are the epitome of everything that’s wrong with politics in this country today. It’s what I’ve come to expect from national politics, but I’d hoped that Culver City—“the City of Kindness”—was better than that. It’s depressing to discover I’m wrong.
Since the flyers were clearly circulated by supporters of the other two candidates, I call on Daniel Lee and Alex Fisch to disavow and urge the end of such lowly tactics. And it’s disingenuous to say it has nothing to do with them…as we already know from Russia’s attacks on Hillary Clinton, what hurts one candidate automatically helps their opponent.
If Lee and Fisch refuse to take a public stand and call off the flyer circulators, then shame on them—they’re no better than the “Ad Hoc Committee for Culver City Residents First.” As should be pointed out, Vera and Tiggs supporters have circulated no such attack flyers against Lee and Fisch.
And no, I’m not a member of the Chamber of Commerce, though I do wonder why they are being painted as villains. Without the success of local businesses, Culver City would not be the thriving community it is today. I also wonder whether the flyer’s mention of Andy Weissman, who is not running or on the council, means that these flyers are really a vendetta against him.
— Kathy Barreto
Culver City


  1. Dear Kathy,

    I’m very upset about these flyers as well. And I’m not a member of the Chamber!

    I am a strong supporter of Daniel Lee and Alex Fisch.

    A meet and greet with Daniel and Alex will be held this Sunday night, from 5:30 pm to 7 pm. at Fox Hills Park, my area, Sunkist Park. Near Green Valley Circle and Buckingham Parkway. It’s easy to get there, especially from Fox Hills and Daniel Lee and Alex Fisch HAVE disavowed this flyer and its contents at past forums. But they were hoping the issue would go away after awhile. Clearly it hasn’t —- in the Culver City News, the Culver City Observer, and the community at large.

    I hope many in our city will attend this Sunday’s meet and great in Fox Hills and ask Alex and Daniel directly how they feel about the flyers.

    Marcus Tiggs is a lovely gentleman, but knows little about the Inglewood Oil Field — I know this from an interview members of the Culver City Community Coalition conducted. Albert Vera is a friendly person and very well-known in the community. However, it has been clear during the forums that he knows even less about the Inglewood Oil Field than Marcus Tiggs.

    We need city councilpersons who are steeped in the facts of our most pressing issues: the dangers to health and safety caused by the Inglewood Oil Field, the dangers to the emotional well-being of families when rents rise greatly, in fact, the needs of every resident and everyone who works in this city. We especially need city councilpersons highly knowledgeable about public policy. We need city councilpersons dedicated to achieving a future when everyone’s needs are met.

    I am a 33-year resident of Sunkist Park, Culver City, and whose son attended CCUSD schools from kindergarten through the 11th grade.

    Rebecca Rona-Tuttle

  2. Dear Culver City-ites,

    Regarding my previous comment, please note that this is mine alone. I did not consult with the candidates or the leaders of their campaigns before posting it, and am not a member of their campaign teams. I know that they prefer not to comment on the other candidates in any way. But I felt a need to make my thoughts known.

    Rebecca Rona-Tuttle