Around Town


Holiday Potluck

Westside Kidney Support Group will hold its monthly meeting at Pacifica first National, 11155 W. Washington Blvd., Sunday, Dec. 9 at 11 a.m.

Come join our Holiday Party.  It’s a potluck, so bring your favorite dish. There will be plenty of food and good company.

This meeting is open to people who have kidney disease, their friends and family members in a casual not clinical atmosphere.

For information, please contact Linda Motyl at (310) 490-3094 or

Free parking is available at the rear of the building.

Movie Night Fundraiser


Pauline Books And Media is selling $12 movie tickets for the new full-length feature film: “Restless Heart- the Confessions of St. Augustine.”

The movie will be shown at the Rave Theater on Monday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m.  Tickets can only be purchased at Pauline Books and Media, 3908 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, Mon-Sat 10 a.m. -6 p.m. 310-397-8676


Hanukkah Festivities


A special party on Dec. 13 from 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. Includes potluck dinner with Latkes, traditional Jewish games, such as the Dreidel game, the lightning of the menorah, dancing and Jewish Music

Please come and bring a traditional Jewish dish if you like, and non-alcoholic beverages. $10 at the door, $5 in advance, free if you bring a dish.

Share- 6666 Green Valley Circle, RSVP 310-846-5270, Laurie Senit- 310-487-8664

Culver City Historical Society

A meet and greet with author Brian Taves, film archivist with the Library of Congress since 1990, will be hosted by the Culver City Historical Society on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 2 p.m. in the Archives and Resource Center (ARC).

Taves’ book, Thomas Ince: Hollywood’s Independent Pioneer, the first ever written about Ince’s life, describes how he revolutionized the motion picture industry through developing the role of the producer.

Taves will show a DVD of a tour of the former Thomas Ince Studios (now Culver Studios), will describe the writing of this work, and will sign books, available in book stores, to those who bring them that day.

The ARC opens at 1 p.m. and Taves will begin his presentation at 2 p.m.

The book has been named to the “10 best” film books of 2011 on The Huffington Post; was selected by Turner Classic Movies as their “book-of-the month” for January 2012, and has received praise from many institutions.

For information, call (310) 253-6941. Please visit our website for updates.

High school students invited to visit South Korea

The Culver City Sister City Committee is looking for Culver City high school students and families interested in making a two-year commitment for a 10 day student exchange opportunity.

Participants will go to Iksan City, South Korea this coming summer between July 25 and August 9 and then host a Korean student in their homes the following summer.

Students will learn about Korean culture and stay with families that have a child of similar age and sex.

Most trip expenses are covered, with the exception of the round-trip airfare. Group fundraising might be a possibility to help defray costs.

For more information about this Exchange contact Iksan City Exchange Chair Sharlene London at (310) 836-3635 or

There will be an orientation meeting at Sharlene’s house on Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m., where additional details and requirements will be discussed.

Any adults who are interested in being one of two chaperones for the trip should contact Sharlene, who will provide an application for the position.

Following the selection process, the student delegates and chaperones, will spend the months prior to the trip learning about Korean culture and proper deportment as an ambassador representing Culver City, trying out meals they’re likely to encounter and learning some important phrases in Korean.

Student applications can be downloaded from our website: