Appreciate our Culver City Police


I am a longtime resident of Culver City, and I have always appreciated the excellent job the CCPD has done to make this city safe. Recently, I became aware that certain city council members and candidates running for city council, have adopted a position of defunding the police by 50%. 

This is not a strategy for policing, it is the national slogan of a popular movement. As a result, I contacted Protect Culver City and received a yard sign to “Defend Not Defund”. Last weekend, my sign was stolen. I have become aware that this is happening all over Culver City. 

Candidate Robert Zirgulis, who is vocally pro-police, has told me that this is rampant, and he has personally offered a reward of $500 for arrest and conviction of the person responsible for stealing these signs. We are at a crossroads; either vote in pro-police candidates for City Council, or don’t complain when the CCPD budget is cut in half.


David Hoyt

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