Animal shelter services get Council love


A number of consent calendar items dominated the agenda at Monday’s city council meeting, though all passed after some minor discussion.

Council Member Jim Clarke asked about item C-8, the approval of a budget amendment in the amount of $30,000 to increase the funds available for animal field and shelter services provided by the county of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control.

Clarke requested more information regarding the transfer of animals to other facilities, and how council policies affect that. Council staff responded by saying that animals are transferred to SPCA shelters as soon as possible after transfer, and the policy is to transfer them to a shelter with a low-kill rate. As with every other consent item, C-8 passed unanimously.

Council Member Goran Eriksson requested more information about item C-12 – approval of final plans and specifications and authorization to publish a notice inviting bids for the 2018 Pavement Rehabilitation Project.

Eriksson asked how the streets deemed deserving of work are chosen, having heard complaints from some members of the public. Staff answered that a three-yearly report is produced, which is used to prioritize the streets that need updating the most. He added that alleys rarely get the attention they need because they are too far gone, and are not used as often as the streets.

There were also questions about items C-13 and C-14, which deal with the forthcoming homelessness count and the need for volunteers. Chair of the Homelessness Committee Alex Fisch, who plans to run for City Council in the forthcoming elections, asked for volunteers to help with the count.

Clarke asked about the potential flaws with the count, and staff noted that in previous years it has taken place too early and that the ideal time to count is between 10 p.m. and midnight because that is when there are more homeless people on the street. However, it was noted that it is difficult to get volunteers to be out that late.


All items on the consent calendar passed unanimously.