An open letter to the City Council of Culver City


To Mayor Jim Clarke, Vice Mayer Jeffrey Cooper, and Council members Göran Ericksson, Meghan Sahli-Wells, and Thomas Small,

Thank you!

Thank you for unanimously voting to challenge the FAA,

For protecting the current citizens of Culver City and its future generations,

For listening to the thousands of Culver City residents who have signed petitions, filed noise complaints and witnessed the jets flying lower, louder, and more often over our city than ever before,

For showing the FAA that “we may be pretty small, but we don’t like to be pushed around,”

For trying to stop the FAA from turning the “Heart of Screenland” into the “Heart of Jetland,”

For asking them to prevent toxic pollution falling directly onto our homes, parks and schools, and finally,

Thank you for telling the FAA, “We do not accept your finding of no significant impact”

We’d also like to thank the FAA in advance for setting a great example for the entire country – by reversing their decision and ultimately raising the altitude and expanding the width of the flight paths to reduce the noise and air pollution over Culver City and its neighbors.

Please let us know how we can continue to support your efforts.


Culver City for Quiet Skies