An entertaining day at the fair


 Last Saturday I made my yearly visit to the Orange County Fair. Consequently, I feel compelled to report to you today that the OC Fair is truly a fantastic way to spend a day or two.

There’s so much to see and do it will boggle your mind. I’ve been attending this fair for many years and in my humble opinion, it is the best fair/festival in California, bar none!                                                                                                                                             Let’s begin with the enormous variety of food offered. Don’t attend expecting a Vegan diet or low calorie, healthy, well balanced chow.

No organic veggies here folks. However, if you are seeking highly saturated fat or artery clogging cholesterol crammed fried foods, welcome home.

Some of the more popular delicacies include chicken and waffles, deep-fried butter, chocolate covered bacon, triple bypass cheese crisp deep-fried fries, crepes with BBQ pulled pork, the zucchini weenie, fried Oreos and Twinkies, and last but not least my personal favorite, the Bacon Bomb consisting of deep-fried cheese wrapped in biscuit dough and bacon topped with garlic butter.

Wash it all down with a couple of ice-cold brewskies and happy days are here again!

If you’re someone like me who loves thrill rides, or just a bench warmer, waiting for the children or spouse to safely exit the ride, be prepared.

In either case if you want heart-stopping, bone-jarring, stomach-twisting mechanical chaos head to the thrill ride and Carney games section. Hop on the Cyclone, Alien Abduction, Cliff Hanger, Zipper, Re-Mix II, Disk’O, G-Force, Evolution or Crazy Coaster if you’ve got the intestinal fortitude, I dare ya.

It’s simple to identify the most hair-raising, stomach-churning rides by the length of the lines, short = terrorizing!  Oh, by the way, ride before you gobble down that funnel cake with whipped cream and powdered sugar                                                                                                                                                                       The nonstop entertainment varies from day to day offering concerts, bull-riding, monster trucks and quad racing, dodge ball championship competitions, OC police canine association demonstrations, demolition derby and much, much more.

My favorite act is OC Fair’s Master Hypnotist, Mark Yuzuik. He usually performs twice a day with the first show scheduled for 6:15 p.m. I’m an extreme skeptic, a cynic at heart. Watching this show for the first few years I was positive it was a “fake” with participants acting as if they were hypnotized for various, unknown reasons.

However, over the past few years I have carefully watched people sitting near me being chosen from the audience.

I have also closely observed their behavior before, during and after their participation in this unique show.

I now firmly believe these willing participants are legitimately in a trance-like state which makes for an intriguing, fascinating display of human nature gone wild. I would suggest getting to the stage at least 30 minutes prior to get a good seat.

To be selected as a subject for hypnosis, it helps to sit close to stage and to be young and good looking.

For a much needed change of pace I enjoy strolling through the four or five hanger-like buildings where vendors sell their wares.

Much like the food, the variety of items and services is quite impressive. Also, spread throughout the buildings are demonstration and entertainment areas where you might receive a free shoulder massage or relax to the music of a folk trio singing their rendition of Puff the Magic Dragon.                                                                                                                                                    I’ve intentionally saved the corniest, silliest and funniest attraction for last—the All-Alaskan Racing Pigs.

Yep, four little piggies scurrying around a small race track to see who can reach the food trough at the finish line first. It’s goofy, juvenile and quite amusing, especially for the little ones. Also, the small stadium fills up quickly, so arrive early.                                                                                                                                                 There are oodles more attractions for all ages to enjoy at the OC Fair. I suggest visiting the website before you make a visit since some activities change daily.

Also, be aware of the Costa Mesa weather. It can be sweltering during the day and cool at night.                                                                                                                                                    Here’s a final tip if you plan attending Saturday or Sunday. Avoid the $5 parking fee and the hectic, overcrowded parking lot by taking the little-known free bus shuttle system.

It’s located in a Costa Mesa industrial complex area at the Experian parking structure off of the Bristol Street exit of the 405. It’s never crowded and conveniently drops you off at a private, back entrance to the fair with no long parking lot walks and NO LINES!

            I’m constantly amazed at the high number of people I talk to who have never attended this fair. All I can say is do yourself and your family a favor and pack up the car and head down to the OC. Oh, and say hi to the little piggy in the orange vest for me.