After brief reopening, bars, breweries, and other tasting rooms to close following COVID-19 spike


As directed by Governor Gavin Newsom on Sunday, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) ordered the closure of all bars, breweries, brew pubs, pubs, wineries and tasting rooms in Los Angeles County, including Culver City, until further notice. Once signed, Public Health’s new health officer order will be posted on the Public Health website. 

State and county public health officials have been closely monitoring COVID-19 infection rates and key metrics across the state and in Los Angeles County. 

After averaging about 910 new cases per day in LA County over the month of May, the number has gone up over 65% over the month of June, as of June 26. The number of hospitalizations rose significantly as well over the past two weeks, rising from 1,288 confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations on June 13 to 1,717 on June 26. As of that same date, Culver City currently has 202 cases of COVID-19 that has resulted in 26 deaths.

Public Health is concerned with the increasing cases among individuals between the ages of 18 and 40, now comprising 41% percent of cases. People in this age range typically have low risk for serious illness or death, but these individuals may unknowingly infect parents, grandparents and friends and family who have underlying health conditions and who are at greater risk for serious illness and death.

Everyone must continue to follow physical distancing and infection control directives and wear a clean cloth face covering that securely covers both your nose and mouth when around people outside of your household.

For more information on LA county’s coronavirus guidelines, visit the Department of Public Health’s website at