ACDG Rocket Queens play against No-Town Roller Derby


ACDG Rocket Queens play against No-Town Roller Derby

Start your holidays right with the final game of the season, when the Angel City Derby Girls Rocket Queens face off against No-Town roller derby.

Fresh off a stellar season, the Rocket Queens will be taking on Fresno’s own No-Town roller derby.

This will be their last bout of the season and your last chance to catch an ACDG bout in 2012. The show starts with a showcase mini-bout, featuring the Rising Stars.

The Rocket Queens will host No-Town roller derby at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium , Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. showcase bout starts at 7 p.m.

In addition, they will be hosting a “Toys for Tots” toy drive at the bout. Everyone who brings a toy gets $5 off their admission.

The Culver City Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium is located at 4117 Overland Ave. Parking is available.

Tickets can be purchased in advance at, or day-of-bout at the door; $15 for General Admission, or $25 for VIP seating, which now includes a Bout Box with snack, drink, and goodies. $10 for children under 10/students/ military.

Concessions will be sold before and during the bout, including beer and wine for those 21+ with a valid I.D.

Established in 2006, the Angel City Derby Girls are Los Angeles’ only nationally ranked competitive Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby League.

ACDG is a group of dedicated athletes who have come together in a grass-roots effort to organize a democratic, DIY, member-driven and operated Roller Derby League.

They abides by the rules and regulations of the only international governing body of Roller Derby- the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA).

For more information visit