A Vote for Vera


As you are aware, Mayor Jeff Cooper and I are both termed out and there are two open seats in the upcoming City Council election on April 10.

We are both in agreement that we want Albert Vera to fill one of those seats and the only way that is going to happen is if you and a lot of our friends vote for Albert.

Albert was born, raised, schooled and has worked his whole life in Culver City.  He bleeds Culver City and is an integral part of this community.  His is also a story of an individual who received a second chance and turned his life around all the better for himself and for this community.  You have to admire that.

In my six years on the Council I have been impressed with his involvement in and support for civic and educational affairs.  I may be Mr. Everywhere, but I expect Albert will have no problem assuming that role on the Council.

My vote is for Albert Vera because he knows Culver City, loves Culver City and will take the job of representing you seriously.
— Jim B. Clarke