A busy summer planned both online and outdoors for Theater Palisades

When Shakespeare’s Ladies Meet features members of the Theatre Palisades Actors’ Troupe (from left): Martha Hunter (Desdemona), Maria O’Connor (Katharine the Shrew), Wendy Taubin (Cleopatra), Holly Sidell (Juliet), Laura Goldstein (Ophelia), Yvonne Robertson (Portia). (Courtesy Theater Palisades)

With live theatre slowly returning to Los Angeles, Theatre Palisades veteran director Sherman Wayne is presenting WHEN SHAKESPEARE’S LADIES MEET by Charles George, which was safely recorded live on Apr. 24 on the Theatre Palisades stage. The one-act 30-minute play is now streaming on the Broadway on Demand platform through June 5. Tickets and performances are available at https://www.broadwayondemand.com/series/poRpwVbfe6ux-when-shakespeares-ladies-meet–theatrepalisades 

‘When Shakespeare’s Ladies Meet’ gives six female characters from a range of Shakespeare’s plays a platform for advising Juliet about her new romance with Romeo when they all meet in her garden to discuss the universal topic of love. The other five, featuring Martha Hunter (Desdemona), Maria O’Connor (Katharine the Shrew), Wendy Taubin (Cleopatra), Laura Goldstein (Ophelia), and Yvonne Robertson (Portia), do their best, in their own unique ways, to enlighten Juliet (Holly Sidell) on the best method of conducting a successful romance. But will she take any of their advice?

Also happening at Theatre Palisades is their Youth Program summer musical ‘Disney’s Aladdin Jr.’ with performances taking place weekends on July 23-25 and July 30-July 31. (An additional performance on Sunday, Aug. 1 may be an option depending on cast availability), outdoors in Temescal Canyon Gateway Park, a beautiful outdoor space which has some natural shade as well as pop-ups set up for audience members to stay out of the hot sun. The area is peaceful and well separated from the rest of the park and hikers within and around it. 

Shows will be performed outdoors for certain, and depending on the regulations, vaccinations, and cast/community comfort level, it may be possible to perform shows onstage at Theater Palisades. Cast members range from 3rd through 9th grade students who will entertain you in Aladdin’s brand new world this Summer! 

For more information, including ticket prices and enrolling your students in future Youth Program productions, please contact director Lara Ganz via email to clarayganz@gmail.com. When available, more show information for both main stage and Youth Program productions, will be posted on the Theatre Palisades website at http://theatrepalisades.org/