Female dogs who wet their beds should fear not; Your Veterinarian Can Help This Physical Disorder

TREATABLE—Poor bladder control in female dogs after spaying is actually a physical disorder that is treatable.

(NAPS)—Have you ever had a female dog who always finds the outdoor bathroom during the day, but wets her bed at night? Waking up, smellin’ kinda funky, is uncomfortable and truly embarrassing for her. Dogs who follow the house rules can be horrified when they realize that they’ve leaked—even though it occurs during sleep. Plastic sheets aren’t much fun for anybody; your long-suffering girl wouldn’t be happy alone outside either.

Urine soiling isn’t something pet owners enjoy discussing. Many assume it’s a behavioral problem, believing that they’ve failed to properly train their pets. Poor bladder control following spaying is actually a physical disorder that’s seen mostly in middle-aged female dogs but it can occur any time after spaying. It’s more common in large breed girls and those who struggle with obesity. A rolled-up newspaper can’t solve this problem but punishment won’t improve behavioral house soiling either. Leaking urine during rest or sleep is not your dog’s fault.

There is great value in spaying our female dogs but, having given up their ovaries during the procedure, the sphincter muscle in these girls’ bladders can be left just weak enough to relax and release urine. It may happen anytime they drift off. The result is that telltale wet spot on their beds. About 20 percent of spayed dogs face this messy downside.

There is a commonly prescribed treatment for urinary incontinence in spayed female dogs that is unknown to many pet owners. Liver-flavored Proin tablets, given twice daily, can make a difference in a pet’s life. This is so valuable because urine leakage can damage relationships; 18.5 percent of the dogs in shelters were surrendered by frustrated owners because of house soiling. So much of this angst is unnecessary.

There are other possible causes so it’s essential to allow your veterinarian to make an accurate diagnosis before medication is started. Urinary tract infections are common, especially for indoor girls. Bladder stones can also cause house soiling. And elderly dogs may urinate indoors because of senile brain changes, a problem called cognitive dysfunction syndrome. Pets with urinary symptoms need to see their doctors—soon.

If a thorough exam and urinalysis come up normal a healthy female dog who leaks only when resting or sleeping most likely has urinary incontinence due to reduced estrogen. You can explain all of this to your dog, ending “the talk” by telling her that she has urethral sphincter hypotonus. With her leader so well-informed she is sure to be impressed.

Veterinarians actually like to uncover these cases because almost all of them can be turned from frustration to success. Proin is often chosen because it is the only non-hormone treatment option, it’s palatable, and it’s easy to dose. For other information on Proin, including important safety material, pet owners can visit the manufacturer’s

website: http://www.prnpharmacal.com/proin.

But there may be cases, due to pet irritability, restlessness or certain medical conditions, where Proin may be inappropriate. For those dogs, an old standby treatment: a synthetic estrogen called diethylstilbestrol (DES) may be used.

There are lots of undiagnosed girl dogs struggling with nocturnal incontinence. The good news for spayed female bed wetters is that they can enjoy campouts and sleepovers just like everybody else.