Cruel game at the fair


Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles (spcaLA) condemns the “The Lobster Claw” game at the Los Angeles County Fair and urges the Los Angeles County Fair Association to remove the cruel game that encourages people to claw and trap their lobster before it is cooked.

An exhibit like this conveys a message to adults and children alike that it is okay to torment food animals before they are eaten, and, in fact, that it is okay to torment animals for amusement and entertainment.

Tolerating and participating in casual cruelty and behavior that desensitizes us all to the plight of other living things is the fastest way to kill our sense of compassion and empathy.

In 2008, a similar game appeared in a local restaurant but was removed after public outcry.

spcaLA encourages LA County Fair visitors to not patronize this vendor as well as call upon the LA County Fair Association to intervene.

Madeline Bernstein