Warm up the season: secret of sauce

SAUCE IT UP TONIGHT—The right sauce can turn a good party into a great one.

(NAPS)—When getting together with family and friends, consider these four ideas for adding a bit of zest to any party:

  1. BBQ (Barbecue) Roast Turkey—For guests who simply must have turkey on the menu, serve it up barbecue style by adding barbecue sauce, soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce to butter, lemon, garlic and onion.
  2. Buffalo Chicken Wonton Cups—Wontons are for more than just soup. Combining wonton cups with ranch dip, hot sauce, jalapeño pepper, green onion and celery will add a flavorful taste to diced chicken.
  3. Cocktail Wings—Bring some spice to the typical chicken wing by adding cocktail sauce, Worcestershire sauce and mustard to the mix.
  4. Cowboy Caviar—Serve up tortilla chips with a twist. Bring together hot pepper sauce, avocado, black-eyed peas, corn, onion, cilantro, tomatoes and other flavors for a heartier chip dip.

The Association for Dressings and Sauces’ website has the recipes with ingredient lists and instructions. Visit www.dressings-sauces.org and search for the recipes by name.