City Clerk’s Office Update


 Staff has been working to prepare the City’s Audio/Visual Room pursuant to specifications provided by AT&T to allow U-verse to carry CCTV 35.

Preparations are nearing completion and, subject to confirmation of AT&T’s installation schedule, staff expects CCTV to be added to the U-verse channel lineup shortly. Staff will continue to update the City Council as this project moves forward.

The first newspaper advertisements for the Finance Advisory Committee applications ran on Thanksgiving Day and will run for the next seven weeks.

The notice now appears on the “News and Announcements” section of the City’s home page.

The City Clerk’s Office will be sending periodic notices via the City’s GovDelivery system. The application deadline is Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013 at 5 p.m.

The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s Office (RR/CC) posted the unofficial results of the Statewide (Presidential) Election early on the morning of Nov. 7.

The RR/CC is expected to prepare a certified statement of the results on Nov. 30, and the Los Angeles County board of supervisors is scheduled to consider declaring the election results official at their meeting of Dec. 4.

Once the City Clerk’s Office has received an official copy of the Board’s action (usually a few days after the meeting), the Mayor will be presented with the Ordinance approved by voters as Measure Y, for his signature.

Upon signature by the Mayor, staff will take all of the necessary steps so that Measure Y’s local sales and use tax will be in place  1, 2013.