Esoteric Astrology as news for week 13-19, 2012


Esoteric Astrology as news for week 13-19, 2012

Darkness Verging on Light

Thursday’s Sagittarius new moon – the last of 2012 – prepares us for Winter Solstice and the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers. Uranus becomes stationary direct (4.37 Aries) Thursday. The New Age is right on schedule. In the sky Thursday and Friday are the Geminids meteor showers (possibly fifty an hour) dropping light into the minds of humanity, building the Rainbow Bridge. Anticipation, expectancy, hope is everywhere.

Monday, Mercury in Sag opposes Jupiter in Gemini, a most important event. Sag & Gemini, mutable signs, signify change, needed periods of reorientation activated prior to the emergence of new developments for humanity. Mercury streams forth Ray 4, a new harmony after chaos. Gemini, sign of duality (and later synthesizing duality) is connected to the heart of the Sun and thus the pulsation of life that sustains us. Gemini, Ray 2, radiates to Earth Love/Wisdom.

Jupiter (also Ray 2) in Sag points to our long journey into our galaxy’s night (Dec. 21., the depths of darkness verging on Light). Jupiter expands us. During Festival week (Week of Impact), we will be expanded by a Love falling to earth and by revelations impressed upon our hearts and minds from the Galactic Center. Showing us the way toward the Light.

The ancient Commentary concerning Gemini and Sag. “When the two (Gemini & Sag) become One (Sag), the fourth (humanity) becomes the fifth (Soul). The Soul calls to us, the new Age begins, the New Era Community beckons. We must prepare. Here is the YouTube for the Festival of the New Group of World Servers. So everyone can join us.

ARIES: You’re curious, even more than usual. You need to study and learn things. You want to exchange philosophies and ideas with others. You feel enthusiastic and even inspired by your community and by communication. It’s not a time for details. Only the big picture will do. Offer no advice. Be practical and seek out different lands, peoples and cultures. The world is uniting. You are the facilitator.

TAURUS: You’re interested in how people think, what motivates them, all their subtle mysteries and secrets. This is Taurus’ Scorpio side. You’re able, after time and pondering, to understand and analyze people and their strategies. You are the Illumined Mind from the Pleiades. A mind that can work medically, scientifically and astrologically with penetrating authority. Your communication skills are being heightened.

GEMINI: You love to discuss two different sides of a conversation simultaneously. You play, understand, decide upon both, knowing all sides are true on different levels. Most important to you is someone who listens and hears your thoughts, ideas and communications. You’re skilled at tidbits of information and ideas. Boredom often assails you. You must learn sincerity, truthfulness, and then love – your purpose.

CANCER: Everyone’s forgetting lots of things these days. But you aren’t. You remember everything, from way back in time to the present day. Often, however, you’re worried and nervous. Things around you seem disorganized. However, you’re so useful with everyone these things matter less and less. One day you will begin to clean, clear, order and organize. For now do whatever eases nervous tension. Rest more. For headaches, grow and tincture feverfew.

LEO: Something has lifted you from the deep intensity you live with into a lighter and brighter world of creative expression. You engage others in conversations filled with playfulness and fun. You become entertaining (an entertainer) when interacting with others. You find those with intellectual capacities to be very attractive. You’re proud of what you’ve done, proud of your children and/or pets. Proud of your creativity. And yourself.

VIRGO: Usually your mind is set upon order and detail. But something new has come into your life. It’s imagination setting up ideas and plans that are unusual and unexpected. All thoughts of separation and demarcation have left. You begin to change your home to reflect the new persona you’ve become. More lively, colorful, imaginative, intellectual. An atmosphere of experimentation. Embrace this. Like a wild flower garden a ‘bloom.

LIBRA: You do many intelligent interactive things – read, teach, exchange ideas, understand the news (Rachel Maddow), talk with friends ceaselessly, think about having parties, are active outdoors, garden and current with the many and varied lives of your many and varied friends. You could feel a bit nervous these days concerning money and finances. To curtail worry, tend very carefully considering the long term. Tell me what you would do if you had only one day to spend your money. And then money was gone?

SCORPIO: Though many think they fear Scorpios, they have it wrong! Scorpios are very practical and intelligent. They see obstacles and find logical answers. They see conclusions before anyone else and shy away from them. They work according to their own timing and schedule. Because they know time’s relative. Scientists have proven that no one multi-tasks. Scorpio knew this first. They are the great researchers.

SAGITTARIUS: Your appearance is that of tallness, like a mountain, sturdy and supportive. You are these things. However, you’ve also become a bit more like the planet Mercury, a messenger on a bike in San Francisco. Fast, nimble, adaptable, changeable, versatile and quick like a flash (of light). This image is why many Sags are photographers. They catch the in-between realities that no one sees. You do. With great curiosity and emotional interest.

CAPRICORN: You’re experiencing silence at this time. Having become a bit of a Pisces these days. Not so quick to respond as a new level of trust is developing. It’s not quite time to express yourself yet. People tell you secrets, things they can’t tell others. You maintain their secrets. Good. Don’t overanalyze. Ask yourself questions and wait for the answers to appear. This is intuition, impressions from the Raincloud of Knowable Things. It doesn’t involve analysis. You are learning to communicate differently.

AQUARIUS: Curiosity impels you to go out and about in the community, town and villages interacting with people, learning about community events, being on teams, creating trends, and introducing ideas that eventually become ideals within humanity. You’re future-oriented, you play fair, you’re unselfish and you have great hopes and dreams. The moon hiding Uranus rules you. Sometimes you’re sad, seeking people like yourself. There are few. They’re in community.

PISCES: It’s how you communicate with others that makes you loved by strangers. There’s authority in your words. Many activities are involved in your work these days. Is your desk piled high with various aspects of your life? Is it like an archeological dig? Multiple places, people, settings, events, conversations, travel, ideas and the arts are needed for your work. Without them, you feel dry, like a wasteland. Negotiate for them.

Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey books


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